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ALNEA / Alnea Team wishes you Happy Easter!

Alnea Team wishes you Happy Easter!

The situation of the global economy is not colorful. Reports and analyzes for the coming months and years are attacking us from everywhere. Collapse, difficulties and crisis … Does it really have to be this way? The market will verify many ventures and maybe some will fail to get through this difficult time.

Despite these difficulties, we would like to wish all our Partners, Contractors, Customers, Suppliers, companies from our Industry Automation and Robotization Conference a Happy Easter. May we embrace the shields of this world, may we be accompanied by prosperity, serenity and a fight for a better tomorrow.

We are or you

The Alnea team is created especially for you. Engineers, designers, constructors, electricians, mechanics, robotics, automation and many other people responsible for projects in our team Alnea creates for you the visualizations, projects and machines you expect. We are for you.

If you want to contact us, write to us!