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ALNEA / Zeus – soldering on robot | New soldering head with pressure amortisation

Zeus – soldering on robot | New soldering head with pressure amortisation

Our robot soldering kit is of great interest abroad. Thanks to KUKA’s support, our offer goes to min. to the Czech Republic, Hungary, Brazil, France and Germany. Automated soldering also supports our 3D positioning system for six-axis robots – Horus. You can read about its possibilities HERE.


Research & development

In Alnea, we know how important research and development are. We want our applications to be precise, tailored to the needs of the recipient, give real savings and stabilize the soldering process.


Robotised soldering - watch also on YouTube

Soldering head with pressure amortisation

We are pleased to inform you that we are still developing our product and that the new head with cushioning has its premiere. Excellent precision, accuracy and process control are the features of our Zeus set. The ergonomic head, precise tin feeder and advanced soldering controller with the ability to set multiple profiles are the best set at an affordable price. If you have a critical process that requires excellent repeatability – contact us.

Zeus Automated Soldering Kit:
– Zeus controller
– dedicated tin feeder in two directions
– well-designed head
– tip cleaner
– a wide range of tips for various applications
– Teflon tubes for tin
– the possibility of adapting the robot to the application – a permanent position, position during production.


ask for offer - ZEUS Soldering Kit


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