Tester of NAL insulated break switches and break switches with NALF breaker. The product is placed on a platform equipped with electromagnets that hold the product during tests. The platform is moved into sound – absorbent chamber, where the test is conducted. Test procedure is executed automatically. After start of the test, it’s not possible to open the chamber. Engaging one of three safety switches causes immediate stop of the test. In the chambers, there are two Delta servo drives, placed on balancers that allow fluid adjustment of drive’s position. The drive is put on an axis of break switch through a knurled bushing.
The test of the device consists of opening and closing the break switch fifty times. With each switching, drop time of knife is measured with a vision system based on Teledyne Dalsa cameras. The break switches also go through series of electric tests, among others: electromagnetic release test, main circuit insulation test, corona discharges test. Test software is coded in Labview environment, created by National Instruments.